
national Votersday 2019

    National Voters day 2020

Saganti Kusuma of 9th class received 2nd prize at District Level for Elecution competition on Resposiblitity of Voters on voting system

Maroju Kavya

State Level Drawing Competitions 2019

M. Kavya of 9th standard received a certificate and Memonto by K.Linagaiah RMSA joint Director,Hyderbad.State Level -Drawing competitions held in the month of November 2019 on SWACHH BHARAT

ssc 2019 gpa 10

   SSC MARCH 2019 

Mandala Kalyani of our school secured 10/10 GPA in Secondary School Exams of March 2019 –Sri PrashanthJeevanPatil,Collector,Warangal urban felicitated her with an appreciation certificate

srilaxmi-medha 2019

 Medha 2019 scholarship Test

Sri Kankanti NarayanReddy, D.E.O,congratulated Saganti Srilaxmi, for  her selection in  Medha Charitable Trust scholarship test. For which she will be  benefited “SIX” years free education from two years of Intermediate to four years of Engineering including boarding

natioanl handloom

 National Handloom Day 2018

Saganti Srilaxmi received First Prize in Essay Writing Competition on National Handloom day 2018.A certificate and memonto given by Sri Nannapaneni Narender,Mayor and Smt Amrapli ,Collector Warangal Urban in a program held at Zilla Parishad Hall Hanamkonda,Warangal

goli pavan Medha

 Medha 2016 Scholarhip Test

Goli Pavan selceted for 6 years of free education by Medha Charitable Trust Hyderabad under Corporate Social Resonsible (CSR)scheme in an entrance conducted for 8000 students of Govt.School, Telanganga out these 100 schloships provided by them.Sri P.Rajeev ,Regional Joint Direcotor of School Education,Warangal Congratulated the student and staff

library competitons

 District Level Competitions-November 2016

District level competitions held in November 2016 for 49th National Library Week Celebratations -Our Student Polasa.Jhansi received first prize in Elocution competition