Provisions - Facilities

Mid Day Meal (MDM)

mdm testing
  • Mid Day Meal -Monday to Saturday ,all the students take the meals at school,prepared by MDM Agency .Sri G,Ramesh SA English is the incharge
  •  One of staff members will taste everyday  Smt .B.Divya Bharati ,P.E.T.  and Sri S.Ramesh Babu Work Edn teacher are supervisors of Mid-day Meals
  • Visit of  School Management Committee and Our Corporator Smt Samanthula Ushasree during lunch . The Corporator takes the lead in all developmental activities of the school.

Free Text books and Two Uniforms

free text books
free uniforms
  • Distribution of Nationalized Text books  by Sri Bandla Surendar,Chairperson,which are provided by Govt. of Telangana
  • Two pairs of uniforms provided to all the students by the Govt. of Telangana

Digital classes

digital class
k yan
  •   Digital lessons using K-Yan and Projector, Incharge is K.Sandeep Kumar,S.A.Physical Science
  •   Digital class will be taken by every teacher atleast twice in a week

Computer and Fashion Design Classes

computer class
fashion design class
Fashion design class -Instructor paid honororirum by Rajasekhar Vanga paty,NRI USA
  •  Computer class by senior students to junior students.
  • They  teach basic computer knowledge such as MS Office,Google Apps
  • Students will use the desktops to listen to the “CLIX” DIGITAL online  lessons and Offline class 
  • 11 systems are provided by the State the year 2008 updating them regularly .
  •  NRI Rajasekhar Vangapaty ,Prof.State University of Newyork,USA provided two systems along with one Projector

Girls Hygiene and Safety

Health Kits
  • Health kits given to girl students three times in a year. Instructions of health and  hygiene are given by Smt M Shivarama Shailaja,who trained by Women and Child Welfare Department,Warangal

  • Self Defence training like “KARATE”  to girl students from 8 to 10th class. The coaching is given three months in every  year. -Amount of Rs 9000/ will be sanctioned by SSA -Hyderabad to pay as Honorarium to Qualified instructor,who will train the students thrice in a week .

Health Check-Ups

health camp
eye check up

Health Check-Up by the Medical and Health Department twice in a year.Primary health issues identification and medicines given by the health department and those need complete health check-up will be taken to Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital (MGM),Warangal

Vocational Education

coconut painting
cloth paintings

Vocational Education by S.Ramesh Babu ,teach the students Work education and S.Venkateswarlu  ,teach Art Education

Library Education

bread society
library week

Bread Society Library Organisation headed by Dr. Kakani Ramarao provided Library to Our school with Almirah and 1000 reading books .He is the  Secretary of Bread Society,USA

  •    Libary Incharges in our school :   Sri S.Ekambarachary SA (Social) and Sri G.Laxminarayana (LP Telugu)


canara bank scholarhps

Canara Bank providing “Vidya Jyothi” scholarships to SC/ST girl students studying in Govt.Schools ,Located in the bank area,based on marks secured in the previous year.Our school getting these scholarship almost every year.

They give Rs 5000/ to 8th,9th,10th students & Rs 2500/ to 5th,6th,7th students in each category one students will be selected from the applications received 

SC/ST,Minority and Physically Handicapped scholarship proivded to the eligible students ,Sri Md.Afser,Ch.Nagaraju will persue the scholarship process

Educational Tour/Excursions

Nagarjunasagar Tour 2017-18

     Educational Tour will be taken by Excursion committee to focus the students on various Projects viz., Social Environment,tourism, Heritage, cultural diversity

  • Nagarjuna Sagar visited in December 2017
  • Ramoji Film City,Hyderbad visited in December 2018
  • Kaleswaram Project visited in Dcember 2019